微软正式发布Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (ISO)并提供下载:
File Name: GRMSDK_EN_DVD1.iso
Chip: X86
CRC#: 0xCA4FE79D
SHA1: 0x8695F5E6810D84153181695DA78850988A923F4E
File Name: GRMSDKX_EN_DVD1.iso
Chip: AMD64
CRC#: 0xB417A4F7
SHA1: 0x3393C98B8468CB3505557854922707510F8B65E1
File Name: GRMSDKIAI_EN_DVD1.iso
Chip: Itanium
CRC#: 0x5E0E4BEA
SHA1: 0xAE454215585A044EBE593E9F71FF1A4BC03D56A8
Please note if you are running a 64-bit version of Windows and Visual Studio 2008, please upgrade to Visual Studio 2008 SP1 before installing the Windows 7 SDK. This prevents an issue where some platform configuration choices are unavailable in Visual Studio’s New Project Platform and New Solution Platform dialogs.
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