原文New library icons, Internet Explorer 8 included with a new icon,
totally new gui (ui) inte***ce (Aero with ribbon and colors waves),
new icons, Wordpad now opens and edit PDF and XPS,
Media Center Re-designed inte***ce,
Start Menu With Branch and highlight,
Paint now paint.exe and shapes group now in branch like the start menu,
and now you can change folder color like the software iColorFolder but with windows,
and you can highlight and group file and folder names, now 2 version of aero available:
Aero Classic (not basic) with some transperency in start menu and taskbar file menu, fade effects. (runs on 32 mb video card)
Aero Glass (The new aero inte***ce for the build 7054) runs now on 64 mb video card
64 Bits (x64) not leaked,
i don't know if 64 bits version
of windows 7 build 7054 is available (so sorry)
Leaked March 03, 2009 10:27 Eastern Time (US & Canada)
-by soldatbigviv
本人英语水平不高就简单翻译下(水平高的就不用看了),windows 7 7054编译于09年3月3日(东部时间10.27分),并且原作者不知该版本会否泄露
一种是经典Aero(Aero Classic,并非Aero Basic),运用在32MB的显卡上
另一种是Aero Glass,是7054中新进的Aero界面,运用在64MB的显卡上
看改进无聊了吧,给大家附赠一个Windows7 7054 32位下的Setup.exe文件,注意只有Setup,并没有安装文件的,给大家下着玩玩的
windows 7 7054的截图