USB 3.0带来了有关与接口速度的大讨论,既然接口有了长足进步,人们的焦点也就聚集到介质上,虽然用了那么多年的铜缆看上去还挺好用,但英特尔希望能将电缆的传输能力提高到100米10Gbps.
没错那就是光纤,英特尔不仅仅希望网线都采用光纤,而是一切电脑设备都可以用光纤连接,这种光纤连接器的形式被称为Light Peak.
The Light Peak technology sends signals with infrared light over optical fibers.
This prototype PC has the Light Peak controller and optical connector that sends signals down a single white optical cable.
This monitor connected to a Light Peak communication apparatus showed a video signal coming from the remote PC.